Why do Leaders need to Relearn Leadership?

We live in a dynamic world. Everything is changing around us. Since the beginning of 2020, nothing has remained the same. With Covid-19 taking a global hit, all the companies had to go remote. This greatly perturbed the organizational setup at every level.

As Simon Sinek says in his book Start With Why, “Very few people can clearly articulate WHY they do WHAT they do. By WHY I mean your purpose, cause or belief- … People don’t buy WHAT you do; they buy WHY you do it.” Thus, for any change to happen in the organization, the leader should be absolutely sure of what changes he wants to see, and WHY.

Interestingly there are a few ways by which you can get someone to follow your lead, either by manipulating them, or by inspiring them. Good leaders choose the latter.

  • They set examples by their conduct by setting the tone for their team to deliver work.
  • They create a work environment where all the team members can thrive. They continuously strive towards setting some norms, and build culture.
  • Appreciating someone on their wins motivates the entire team to do better.
  • Acknowledging efforts that did not even bring in results motivates the team into making efforts. This gives them a safe space to perform to the best of their abilities, because by the end of it, they will never be told off for something they have tried.
  • A thoughtful leader also allows his team mates to mess up sometimes. They do not create too much fuss about it. Instead, they try to cover up for them.
  • A good leader is not biased. They do not practise favoritism. They do not treat their teammates differently, neither in public nor in private. Their demeanor towards their teammates is not influenced by any external factors.
  • A strong leader leads his team towards emotional resilience. He does not only enrich them professionally. They hand them tools to combat issues in the personal front as well.
  • Building trust is one of the most important responsibilities as a leader. Leaders who let their team members have a certain degree of autonomy set an example by trusting them. This takes the team a long way.

As a leader working in a remote situation, their path is beset with difficulties. To fulfill their responsibilities, they have to relearn Leadership. Here are few possible reasons as to WHY Leaders need to Relearn Leadership:

  • To get better results: The method of leading a team that worked in the office structure is bound to fail when it comes to working online. The leader has to adapt certain changes in his leadership style so as to incorporate the requirements of the online mode to ensure better results.
  • To keep up the spirit of the team: Previously, the team could meet and engage in trust building exercises. This is off the table in the current scenario. This can make the team feel very demotivated. Locked up in the confines of one’s home, and staring at the computer screens leave people exhausted. Thus, the leaders should relearn ways of leadership so as to eliminate these problems.
  • To be able to empathize better: In an office setup, if a team member tries to open up to the leader regarding a problem they have been facing, it is easier for the leader to instantly connect to them. It is not the same anymore. Thus, the leader has to step into their shoes to fully grasp the problem. Leaders should be able to empathize with their teams and support them unconditionally in such trying times.

However before the leaders reach a conclusion that they need to relearn leadership, they have to introspect. It is only when they have fully recognized the need for change that they will invest their time and energy into figuring out ways to do the same. Good leaders do not participate in shifting blame. A good leader is so invested in self-improvement that he immediately plunges into self-assessment. By bringing about changes in their outlook, they bring about a change in the team and the way they work. This increases the efficiency of the team in manifolds.

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